Domestic and international coordination and cooperation: The proposed Regulations would apply prohibitions and requirements on the commercial promotion of vaping products that would not conflict with provincial and territorial promotion restrictions, including in the retail environment.Therefore, the one-for-one rule does not apply. There is no administrative burden on businesses as a result of the proposed Regulations. One-for-one rule and small business lens: The small business lens applies.Even if they cannot be directly quantified, the benefits are expected to outweigh the costs of the proposed Regulations. The government costs are associated with the costs to monitor compliance and conduct enforcement activities under the proposed Regulations.

The monetized costs to industry are associated with complying with the proposed prohibition on the display of vaping products at points of sale where they could be seen by youth and the proposed requirement that a health warning be conveyed in those advertisements not prohibited under the proposed Regulations. Cost-benefit statement: The proposed Regulations would result in total incremental costs estimated at $6.2 million present value (PV) over 10 years (or $0.9 million annually), consisting of $2.7 million (or $387,658 annually) in industry costs and $3.5 million (or $496,023 annually) in government costs.Health Canada is proposing regulations that would (1) prohibit the promotion of vaping products and vaping product-related brand elements by means of advertising that is done in a manner that can be seen or heard by young persons, including the display of vaping products at points of sale where they can be seen by young persons and (2) require that all vaping advertising convey a health warning about the health hazards of vaping product use. Description: The proposed Vaping Products Promotion Regulations (proposed Regulations) set out measures that could mitigate the impact of vaping product promotion on young persons and non-users of tobacco products.Health Canada has identified vaping product-related promotional activities as being one of the key factors that has contributed to the youth vaping problem. Health Canada is concerned that young persons are being exposed to vaping product-related harms, including those related to nicotine exposure which can result in an addiction to nicotine and long-term use of tobacco products. Issues: A rapid increase in youth vaping has been observed in Canada.